How To Write a Business Plan That Yields Results
When planning a new startup, the business plan is an essential step in your company’s success. There’s no question that writing an effective plan requires a well-researched outline that incorporates goal setting. Research has shown that goal setting is crucial to future success. Those who set goals are over 40% more likely to achieve their goals simply because they wrote them down.
Your business plan holds the keys to your future, so it’s important that the people with whom you will share your plan also understand the goals you have set. By sharing your goals, you are increasing the likelihood of their implementation and success.
Before you write your plan, think about everything you desire for your business. Basically, you are brainstorming ideas and anything can po up during this session. The ideas that make the most sense for where you see your company’s future are the ones you should write down.
When you write down your goals, you are able to see them more clearly. This is due to the way the human brain is structured. Your dreams for the future are created in the right side of your brain, but when you write them down, you are also stimulating the left side of your brain, which is the logical side of your brain. You have given your brain permission to observe and consider these goals, which will now remain in your thoughts.
To see this process in action, start a journal. Every morning, before you start your day, write down your goals. The goals you write can be from any avenue of your life, whether it’s personal or business. These goals should be something that you truly want in life, whether it’s love, money or health.
These goals will remain with you as you go about your day. What you will find is that you ponder these planted goals more often than you otherwise would have. They are no longer passing thoughts and dreams, but they have become something you are driven to make a reality and doors will begin to open for you which you had not previously been aware.
Now, imagine how this same exercise can help your business plan. Your goals don’t need to be immediately achievable and you don’t even need to know the full details of how you will attain them. But, because you wrote them down, you have increased the chances that you will find the way to fulfill them.